We Three. We're an English lass, an American lad, and a bundle of fun labradoodle called Shadow. The lad and I gave up our rather respectable jobs in July 2017 to get out in the world and see a few things. Not that we hadn't already done that mind you, we've travelled the world together over the past nine years. But this is a different kind of adventure.
We're heading to Europe for a six month trip to drink the great wines of the region, live in amazing villages, meet wonderful people and snuggle dogs. Oh yes, and eat great cheese (thanks for the reminder, Shadow). Then we'll stay in the UK for a while and see where the wind takes us.
I should mention that we're not really that cool, just so no one is disappointed down the track. Well Jason is pretty darn cool actually, but my point is this. We're not aiming to be blog influencers or a big deal on Instagram. We just want you to tag along for the ride if you fancy it and hopefully have a good laugh along the way. In fact, if it's only you, Mum and Dad, who are reading this, we're thrilled to have you along for the journey. Thanks for cheering us on.