Ever hear the one about an english lass, an american fella and a fluffy dog walking into a bar? 

well you have now.

this is the true story of we three and our travels around the world, meeting dogs, drinking wine and loving life.



Who's up for an adventure?

Who's up for an adventure?


  We three. What a merry band you have before you. Most folks may know who we are already, but in case you wandered in, poked about a little and are now mildly interested, allow me to introduce the crew.

First up, Shadow the WonderDog, chaser of moving creatures, cheese connoisseur and protector of the all she surveys. She asked me not to mention her age, apparently it’s incredibly rude to ask and all dogs consider themselves young pups anyway (so now you know). You’d be wise not to mention she’s a labradoodle, she doesn’t like labels. In truth, she’s 20 pounds of pure joy (she just rolled her eyes at me).

Then there’s the American, hereafter referred to as Mr T. Our conversation about calling him Mr T will explain all you need to know.

Me: “I’m going to call you Mr T on the blog.”

Him: “Why?” 

This is a question he’s asked frequently in our nine plus years together.

Me: “Because it’ll be hilarious!”

Him: “Ok. But why?” 

See what I mean. He’s always at it with the ‘why’.

Me: “Look if I have to explain it, then it won’t be funny.”

Him: “But seriously though, I actually don’t get it.” 

There’s very little snark to Mr T. His earnest questioning is as endearing as it is infuriating.

Me: “Look, your last name begins with T. And you’re about as far away from Mr T as a person can get. He’s a massive bodybuilding dude who goes around blowing stuff up and saying ‘fool’ a lot. And you, err, don’t. So it’s funny.” 

Him: “Right.” 

This is said somewhat unconvincingly. 

Him: “But why can’t I just be Jason.”

Me: “Because it’s the internet and people will steal your identity and use it to make credit cards and sell drugs and stuff. You need an alias. Like Jason Bourne.”

Him: “If he can be Jason, why can’t I be Jason. Plus our pictures are going to be all over this thing. What difference does a name make?”

Me: “Ohhhh it makes a difference, trust me. You don’t want your name on the dark web.”

Him: “Wait, what?”

Me: “Look, we’re getting off track. Let’s just agree that you’re Mr T, ok?”

Him: “Sure, dear.” 

He’s a man who appreciates brilliance, my husband. 

Anyway, that leaves me, your trusty narrator. I’ll be keeping you up to date with our travels around Europe, so it’ll be my voice you’ll be sick of hearing. Some things to note: I love to write, it makes me ridiculously happy, but I’m rubbish at it (you may have already figured that out). But what I lack in skill and ability, I make up for with enthusiasm - indeed many a school report and employee review has noted the very same. 

Mr T and I both had rather respectable jobs until we decided it was high time to get out there and see something of the world. Shadow had no job nor any burning desire to travel, but likes a bandwagon as much as the next dog, so she’s in too. Plus there was talk of cheese.

So we’re saying farewell to the US for now, and heading to Europe, starting with a six month trip through France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland and Belgium before circling our wagons in the UK for a while.  For someone who’s always had a very set five year plan, the loosey goosey nature of the next year or two has me in hot sweats at 3am most nights. But you can’t be sensible all the time.

So that’s us. We three. Your intrepid explorers, ready to meet the world for a slap up meal and a bottle or two.

We’ll see you out there.

One hell of a week

One hell of a week

Welcome to Tails of Wine

Welcome to Tails of Wine